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Avoiding Toxic People

I just heard a country song that made me two step with myself while crying my eyes out. The song is about what love isn't. And while it accurately describes what love isn't... I had to dig deeper after the song was over. I had to get real with myself and dig for answers and use those answers to guard my heart with so that the rest of my journey isn't as painful as it has been so far. I hope this inspires and encourages you to weed out what is not love in your life. So, even if you are not a believer, I encourage you to hang in there and keep reading. I will be referencing the Bible because when I was reading God's Word daily, and applying it to my life... I was more than thriving. I can say I was only doing that for about 2 and a half years. And for that 2 and a half years... I was peaceful, and had a joy I can't explain even when things got hard. I have pinpointed the exact moment that I was thrown off. I let one little thing inside my door, and slowly this
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Guard Your Heart.

This made me stop my whole life and ask myself... "What have I been wearing over my eyes?" I don't know why this hit me so hard but, I want to share this because I know there are others out there who need this. I want to start my journey to healing,  sharing with you that the world is full of these people. And to simplify what they are... just read 2 Timothy 3. and the whole book of Jude. And remember who loves you enough to say these things to you concerning these people... " Guard Your Heart ", " Avoid such people as these." , " A companion of fools suffers harm." That is all for now. Have a blessed day. Amanda Freeborn Please subscribe to DoctorRamani !!!!